Draco Malfoy X Reader Smut We Have to Do That Again


Originally posted by scarcoveredwrists

A/North: Okay starting time, holy shit similar 2 of my fics have like four hundred notes also there'due south nearly two hundred of you here??? Absurd. This is a super sad slice nearly Draco after the state of war struggling with his identity. Information technology's eye breaking actually, merely information technology needs to be written that this is how I see Draco's grapheme 80% of the time x

Fix: Golden Trio Era & Post War

Word Count: 3,050

Warnings: loads- swearing, corruption, expiry, injuries, violence, self harm

Y/N walked down the halls of Hogwarts, brushing her bleeding fingers along the stone walls, tears bubbles in her eyes. The war was won. She knew really inside she should be feeling elated, happy- celebrating that her life would no longer be controlled past fear or hate. But images of her friends lifeless faces where already get-go to fill her caput when she closed her eyes, she'd lost everything- her parents dying at the Night Lord'due south hands before the battle had even commenced, her centre was oh and then heavy. Her feet dragged upward the stairs of the astronomy belfry as she used the back of her mitt to wipe the torrents of tears that where beginning to spill from her eyes, running downward her face, painting it with sadness. Y/N sobbed as she grabbed her hobbling side that had been injured when she attempted to jump in front end of the spell that had been aimed at Lavender Brown, before Greyback had brutally murdered her. She climbed the stairs as beneath her, hundreds of Hogwarts students mourned and celebrated together in bittersweet happiness. When she emerged onto the tower, she sprinted to the edge, hanging her head over the side, letting the screams that had been threatening to come out before, erupt. She yelled out into the darkness in despair, gripping onto the railings until her knuckles began to stake. When at that place was nothing else left to come up out, aptitude over into herself, breathing heavily, letting her torso experience what it needed to. Her sudden silence was broken by the audio of sobbing from the other side of the tower- somebody else was here. Y/North awkwardly walked towards the source of the noise, bruised slightly because of the shooting pain coming from her ribs. There was a curtain hanging towards the correct of the room, that commonly hid the equipment that students used in astronomy. Y/Northward quietly moved the mantle to the side, shedding calorie-free into the enclosed space. Huddled in a ball, shaking violently and uttering heart-shattering sobs was Draco Malfoy. He looked upwardly at her as she disrupted him, his optics flittering over where she stood. His eyes where usually a piercing blue, just they had faded to gray, black rings circumvoluted them. His face was substantially white, he was commonly stake, just in his electric current state it was if the male child had never seen the sun. And most importantly, he looked terrified to accept been found. Y/North entered the pocket-size cupboard infinite, letting the curtain fall back backside her and she slid downwardly onto the floor and so that they were face to face, bringing her knees to her mentum. They didn't speak, Y/N simply sat nearly to him as he continued to sob into his jacket. When his cries began to come out weaker and more fragile, she leant into him, attempting to give him a side hug. She felt him tense below her bear on.

"Don't touch me." The male child sobbed, barely meeting her optics. Y/N pulled away immediately, shuffling away from him likewise.

"I'one thousand distressing." Y/N whispered weakly, looking down at the floor. Draco but huffed at her, playing nervously with his sleeves, ignoring her attempts to grab his eye. They sat together for a while, feeling the fourth dimension pass, merely neither spoke, the silence surprisingly comfortable. They'd never actually spoken earlier, they were from very different families and walks of life. They shared their broken hearts still and Y/Northward could feel his breaking in front of her, just as hers had moments before. Struggling to think of anything to say, Y/N rummaged in her cardigan pocket for a moment before producing a small slice of scrap parchment. She removed her wand from her other pocket too, noting how Draco flinched when she moved for it. Then muttering a spell underneath her breath she wrote on the parchment, Draco watching her silently, unable to see what she was doing. When Y/North was satisfied with her work, she folded the parchment carefully earlier passing it to him. He took it apprehensively, watching her closely equally she stood up to get out.

"Read information technology. I hateful it." She whispered, before walking abroad, letting the curtain shut the gap between them equally he heard her descend the stairs. Draco looked down at the scruffy slice of parchment and almost, almost tossed information technology to the side. Instead he unfolded it carefully, revealing her neat handwriting. He read:

This is my address. If you lot need to talk, send me an owl. You are not alone, Draco and there is nil you lot can ever tell me that is too much. People care, don't shut them out. YOU ARE WORTHY OF LOVE.

Y/N x

And as he read and re read her words, more than tears began to fall. But this time, they were not of despair just of hope.


Draco paced his room in Malfoy Manor, breathing shallowly, tears slipping down his face. He wanted to howl in despair as he made a bolt to the bathroom. One time inside, he locked the door with his wand, making certain nobody could interrupt him. He took his shirt off in a bustle, fumbling over the buttons as he threw it to the floor. Draco looked down at his forearm, wanting to scream at the sight of the marker that was etched into his skin. He took his wand in his hand, breathing deeply, attempting to steady himself. He'd left the business firm today, for the first time since the trials against him and his family unit, going to Diagon Alley but for a change of scenery, a gamble to reminisce on his innocence- non that he'd gotten a chance. Draco had been jumped by a ring of especially aroused wizards, muggleborn's whose families had been murdered by his aunt. He didn't blame them for their insults or their attempts to tempt into a duel, no, he blamed himself. His wand hand began to shake vigorously as information technology lay against the mark, his dull optics watching how it writhed underneath his skin. Draco took another deep breath before pressing the wand closer to the mark, letting it dig into his pare, making his eyes water.

"Sectumsempra." He whispered quietly, letting the spell shoot from the tip of his wand, burning the skin on his arm. Blood began to announced as his flesh began to tear right in front of his eyes. He let it.

"Deserved." Draco said to himself as he whispered the spell once again, this time harsher leading to the skin physically bubbling. His head began to spin every bit it hit him how much blood was beginning to come from the wound. Shit. He attempted to ready it with his towel that was folded on meridian of the sink basin, but the blood soon seeped through and onto his other mitt. Draco racked his brains trying to think of a spell that would make it all become back to normal, merely he couldn't, information technology was all too much. He held onto the edge of the bath as he staggered dorsum, the pain over whelming, each and every ane of his senses becoming blurred. Equally the world began to fade, he heard a screaming Narcissa accident the door apart with her wand before rushing to his side, holding onto his arm, kissing his forehead. And every bit Draco felt the ii of them apperating abroad into the darkness, he of a sudden heard a voice: "you lot are worthy of love."

He awoke in a bed that certainly wasn't his own. Draco stretched out his limbs and scanned the room. noticing it virtually immeditely as Saint Mungo's. His eyes shot straight away to his forearm, noticing it was still tightly wrapped in bandages.

"They couldn't become rid of information technology." Draco'southward eyes shot up to meet his mothers. She was standing, pale faced and nervous at the human foot of his bed, clutching her right arm with her left hand. "I'm so sorry Dray, information technology'due south the nighttime magic… I-it tin only fade naturally overtime." She walked towards him resting her hand on elevation of his, his fingers flinching at her bear on. She withdrew them straight away.

"Delight, let me exist." Draco croaked, watching his female parent frown at his words but comply, sending him a sympathetic smile and apparating away. Draco watched her go and pushed himself up out of his bed slowly, walking to the door of his room. He checked that the reception of his ward was empty, pulling the door airtight towards him equally he recoiled back into the room. Continuing in the centre of the room, he closed his eyes, thinking of the address that Y/Due north had scribbled on the piece of parchment months before, memorizing it. He felt the room slip away and when he opened his eyes, he was in Hogsmeade, standing in front of a small bungalow. Just as Draco began to realise how truly rash his actions had been, the green door opened to reveal Y/N in her pyjama's, slightly open mouthed. She sent Draco a weak smile, beckoning him in, moving aside so he could enter her home without their bodies touching. He felt similar a fool every bit he wandered into her dwelling house, collapsing into one of the well-loved sofa's in her living room, right infront of a roaring fireplace. She observed his appearance quietly, taking in his messy hair, the bags beneath his eyes that merely seemed to deepen, the hospital gown that hung from his skinny frame and the encarmine bandage that was wrapped around his forearm. Y/N didn't say anything, instead got upward and bustled over to the kitchen that was open to the small living room.

"Tea?" She asked gently, motioning to a kettle that saturday upon the counter top. Draco nodded and Y/North placed her wand to the kettle, information technology instantly spouting steam and whistling slightly. He watched as she advisedly placed two large, notwithstanding chipped mugs onto a small tray, followed by a pot of carbohydrate and a jug of milk. She popped a tea handbag into each of the mugs, before pouring water into them, making sure not to spill whatsoever as she did then. Then, she picked up the tray and placed it onto the coffee table that sabbatum in the middle of the ii sofa's. Y/North sat down onto the other i, motioning at the tray. "I like to let people practise their own milk and saccharide, it's always easier that fashion." Draco nodded again, leaning forward to add milk and a sugar into his mug. The two sat in comfortable silence, similar to the commencement fourth dimension they spoke on the tower in May. They drank their tea. One time finished, Y/Northward gave a satisfied sigh and placed her mug back onto the table. Draco followed adapt a few moments subsequently, too before pulling himself from the comfort of the sofa.

"Thursday-thankyou." He whispered to her as she walked him to her door, opening it for him. He flashed what looked almost like a proper smile for a few seconds, letting her return one.

"Someday." Y/North said bluntly. "Really." And with that she stood back, watching Draco leave her house in a flash.


Draco began to turn upwards at Y/N's at least three times a week since the kickoff time he'd arrived- not that she complained, the company was always welcomed. It had been half dozen months since they'd outset met on the tower and she could tell that Draco was starting to understand that she wanted to help, slowly trusting her slice by piece. They were sabbatum in her living room as always, 2 mugs of tea fix out on the table in front end of them, a splash of milk and a spoon of carbohydrate for Draco- something she'd learnt very quickly. They'd both but prepare their mugs downwardly with a satisfied sigh when Y/N turned to face him, their eyes coming together suddenly.

"Is there anything y'all want to talk most?" She asked softly. Draco watched how her optics burnt with care, glancing at his arm that was still wrapped with the same cast. He hesitated for a minute and then all at once, pulled the bandage from his forearm, revealing his at present very hobbling and contorted dark mark. He looked up to her eyes, tensing at the thought of them filling with shame and hatred, only to his surprise plant them to be total of sympathy. And so everything began to spill out of Draco's oral cavity. He told her everything. He told her all about his painfully innocent childhood, how his fathers abuse had gone from verbal to physical, the circumstances in which he was forced to take the marker that now cursed his pare, about his parents plans for him filled with arranged marriage and forced birth had Voldermort won, simply as he spoke Y/N didn't interrupt or judge or scorn, she listened. And that's all Draco wanted. When he finished, Y/Northward shuffled closer to him, ensuring they didn't touch, merely so she was shut plenty that he could feel her presence.

"You are and then brave." She whispered. Draco shook his caput furiously. "No you are. You are dauntless and good and kind and caring and potent and," she paused leaning into him, "twice the man your father is." At the last function of her judgement, Draco collapsed into her arms, something that neither of them were expecting, but a pleasant surprise none the less. Y/N pulled him into her as he clung to her neck, tears wetting her shoulder. She rubbed his shoulders gently as he heaved and sobbed. When he finished, he pulled back, shocked at his own vunerability. But he was met with her grinning and that was enough. Draco left that night with a slight smile on his face and a middle that wasn't as heavy as information technology in one case had been.


Narcissa noticed the positive changes to her son since he'd been going to encounter his new friend and she was adamant to hide information technology from her husband. You lot see, the war inverse many people positively, but not Lucius. He came home i night furious. He snapped at his wife about needing to speak to Draco before ascending the stairs and storming into his chamber, robes billowing backside him. He pulled Draco upwardly by his collar, pinning him roughly against the wall, his face simply inches autonomously from his son'south, rima oris twisted into a nastly snarl.

"When were y'all going to tell me near your human relationship with that nasty little mudblood girl?" Lucius snapped, forcing Draco to wait into his eyes. Draco didn't answer, he'd learnt no to. He simply tried to keep animate as his dads grip moved to his neck, tightening. Lucius dropped him all of a sudden, causing him to hit his back hard on the wall, before falling to the basis. "Pathetic." Lucius spat, using a large, booted human foot to kick Draco in the stomach, before striding out of the room. Waiting for him to leave, Draco wasted no time in apparating back to Y/Due north's house, this time arriving in her living room, grabbing at his tummy.

"Draco!" Y/N exclaimed, jumping at the wizards arrival just soon noticing his injury. Tears were streaming downwards his face up, and he immediately fell into her open artillery, letting her wrap him upwardly in her odor and her warmth. "Nosotros demand to go to the bath okay dearest?" She asked softly, running a hand through his hair advisedly. He nodded. Y/N helped him hobble to the bathroom, sitting him down on the closed toilet seat. Draco wailed slightly as her cold hands began to remove his shirt. "Are you certain I tin can bear upon you?" She asked, hovering over the last button. Draco nodded again, only this time desperately. Y/N understood, removing his tiptop. Her optics were immediately drawn to the new trample forming on his stomach and she opened the cabinet higher up his head, returning with an ointment. She rested on her knees as she began to smooth information technology over his stomach, she noticed that he hadn't flinched this time. The bruise began to sink back into Draco'south pare, disappearing. It was and so that Y/N began to notice the rest of his trunk. Their were deep scars from cuts all over his chest that she began to fix besides, also as deep cane marks in his back that angrily poked out slightly. She continued until his chest and back were clear. Their optics met once more than.

"Y/Due north…" Draco whispered, belongings her arm in his paw advisedly.

"I know." She responded gently, "Don't say information technology yet. You have to be sure." Y/N packed the ointment upwardly putting it back into the cupboard. He nodded at her words, understanding what she meant. Draco let her take him through to her room slowly. "Y'all're staying here tonight, I won't let yous become back there… I won't." She watched him crawl into bed, resting his head softly onto the pillow. Y/N turned to leave once he was comfortable, but was stopped.

"Stay with me." Draco high-strung out, his face up illuminated by the bedside table lamp. Y/Due north hesitated, not wanting to over step the mark. "Prove to me what you told me all those months ago." She cocked her caput and so.

"What do you mean?" She questioned. Draco pulled the empty half of the beds duvet over towards him.

"That I'm worthy of love." Y/N smiled then, catching his middle, before gently undressing, squishing into bed with him. "Can I say it at present?" He asked, resting his mentum on tiptop of her head and their bodies tangled together. She nodded.

"I love you." Draco said sighing. "I love you. And earlier you say it, I mean it, I promise. I didn't think it was an emotion I would ever experience, only you, you taught me love, Y/N" He pulled her closer to him so, placing a kiss to her forehead. "And I don't know what this means for our future, but I know what it ways for right at present."

"What does it mean?" Draco laughed, for the first fourth dimension e'er since the state of war, and leant down so that his and Y/N's lips were ghosting over each other.

"This." He said gently, before their lips met, joining in a conscientious nonetheless powerful kiss.

"I dearest you likewise." Whispered Y/N, letting Draco cling to her once again. "So, and then much."


Source: https://thegryffindorprincess.tumblr.com/post/628919555391160320/worthydraco-malfoy-x-reader

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